On World Environment Day, a two-day state level program focused on ‘Green-Campus’ campaign was organized by Tribal Affairs Department.
In this, teachers of 20 tribal districts of the state were given WWF. India imparted training in innovation and activities related to the environment.
On the second day, everyone took a pledge to protect the environment by planting saplings in the school and their residential premises.
WWF in Satpura Bhavan Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh State Director Sangeeta Saxena asked PPT from teachers virtually. and interacted with short films.
He expressed his views on giving the right direction to the sensitivity of tribal students towards the environment and developing scientific awareness towards the environment in them.
He said that if we continue to use plastic indiscriminately like this, then in the coming decades, there will be side effects on the environment and living beings and there will be dire consequences.
Also screened a short film based on the theme of Environment Day this year “Adverse effects of plastic pollution on wildlife and environment globally”.
In the campaign, all the teachers of Eklavya Adarsh Residential Schools of the department, C.M. Rise School, Girls Education Complex and Adarsh Residential Schools participated.