The West Central Railways (WCR) has earned Rs. 15.90 crore during surprise ticket checking drives in trains and platforms during month of December 2023 of three railway divisions including Jabalpur, Bhopal and Kota.
The ticket checking staff detected 2 .16 lakh cases of passengers travelling without ticket or inappropriate ticket to their destination.
Under the guidance of West Central Railways Principal Chief Commercial Manager Om Prakash and under the direction of Divisional Railway Manager of the three divisions Jabalpur, Bhopal and Kota respectively.
And under the leadership of Senior Divisional Commercial Managers of the three divisions respectively.
Alongwith the ticket checking staff, checking was done from time to time on various passenger trains and different stations in these three railway divisions.
In the ticket checking campaigns conducted on time, a total of 02 lakh 16 thousand cases were detected in the three divisions of Jabalpur, Bhopal and Kota in December 2023, and a total revenue of Rs 15 crore 90 lakh was earned including additional fare and fine.
The performance at headquarters and divisional level in the month of December is as follows:-
Railways has collected a fine of Rs 38 lakh from more than 5 thousand cases against those traveling without tickets/unbooked luggage/irregular tickets through the ticket checking campaign conducted at the headquarters by the Headquarters CCM squad.
Ticket inspectors of Jabalpur division have collected a fine of Rs 07 crore 58 lakh from passengers in about 93 thousand cases against those traveling without tickets/unbooked luggage/irregular tickets through the ticket checking campaign.
Through the ticket checking campaign conducted by Bhopal Division’s ticket inspectors, Railways has collected a fine of Rs 04 crore 93 lakh from passengers in 75 thousand cases against those traveling without tickets/unbooked luggage/irregular tickets.
Kota Division’s ticket inspectors have collected a fine of Rs 03 crore 01 lakh from more than 43 thousand cases against those traveling without tickets/unbooked luggage/irregular tickets through ticket checking campaign.
Railway administration requests passengers not to travel without tickets. Travel only with proper ticket, so that there is no inconvenience of any kind during the journey.