The Special Court CBI (Vyapam Cases) Gwalior sentenced Rinku Singh (beneficiary candidate), Mahesh Kumar (middleman) & Braj Mohan (impersonator) to 4 years’ rigorous imprisonment (RI) with a fine of Rs.13,100 each in a case related to Police Constable Recruitment Test-2012 conducted by VYAPAM.
Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) had registered the instant case on 15.12.2015 in compliance to the court orders by taking over the FIR No. 311/12 dated 30.09.2012 of PS University, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh against Braj Mohan on a complaint.
It was alleged that during Police Constable Recruitment Examination, 2012 held on 30.09.2012 when the complainant checked the RASA of candidates and matched the signatures, he found Roll No. 263727, doubtful.
The discrepancy was also noticed in the photo of the said candidate as compared to the appearance of the person who appeared as the candidate.
After confirming that the said candidate was an impersonator, the Police Authorities were informed. During questioning, the impersonator admitted that his real name as Braj Mohan of Firozabad, UP and he was appearing in the examination in place of the beneficiary candidate of Bhind, MP.
During investigation, the MP Police arraigned Mahesh Kumar (Middleman) & Rinku Singh (Candidate) as accused and filed charge-sheet on 03.07.2013.
During further investigation, CBI collected specimen finger prints /thumb impressions & handwritings /signatures of the accused persons namely Rinku Singh (candidate) & Braj Mohan (Impersonator) and obtained opinion of Finger Print Expert of CFSL Mumbai.
It was opined that the questioned thumb impression appearing on the original OMR Answer Sheet of the candidate Rinku Singh, is identical with the specimen ‘RTI’ of Braj Mohan and not of Rinku Singh (candidate).
After completion of investigation, CBI had filed a supplementary chargesheet against 03 accused persons on 16.01.2019 in the Ld. Court at Gwalior.
Trial Court found the accused guilty and sentenced them accordingly.