Number of chemicals and the amount of pollution we expose our hair to every day, maintaining a luscious mane has turned out to be somewhat of an ordeal. It is not just about applying expensive shampoos, conditioners and hair creams on your hair that promises to do the trick; often the simplest way to get beautiful hair lies in tweaking your own diet.
In case you’re running out of time and patience and your hair just refuses to grow faster, look no further than your own diet – here are some foods that will help you grow your hair.
Eggs are a great source of protein and biotin, and given our hair follicles are made of mostly protein, these two nutrients are great when it comes to promoting hair growth. Eggs are also a great source of zinc, selenium and other hair-healthy nutrients.
Being rich in protein, eggs make for an excellent food for the hair. (Source: File Photo)
Easy to eat and easily available too, nuts contain a variety of nutrients that may promote hair growth. Considered superfoods for the hair, they provide a wide variety of vitamin B, zinc, and essential fatty acids.
Nuts are loaded with nutrients that are good for your hair. (Source: FIle Photo)
Fishes with good fat content like salmon, herring, and mackerel are known to have nutrients that promote hair growth. Being an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, protein, selenium, vitamin D3, and vitamin B, which are often linked to hair growth, it is considered to be excellent food for your hair.
A piece of fish or two is all you need for long, healthy hair. (Source: File Photo)
Spinach is a healthy green leafy vegetable that is loaded with nutrients like folate, iron, and vitamins A and C, all of which are crucial when it comes to hair growth.
If you want long, shiny hair, trust spinach to do the magic trick. (File Photo)
Flaxseeds are power foods when it comes to hair – it is loaded with nutrients and carries fewer calories. Apart from being rich in vitamin E, zinc and selenium, like fishes, flaxseeds are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids.
Flaxseeds are power foods for your hair. (Source: FilePhoto)
If your hair growth has not been noticeable for quite some time now, try adding some of these foods in your diet and let us know how it went in the comment section below.