Gurwar Singh, Birsaram, Karam Singh, Pahari Korwa of special backward tribe are residents of Sarbahar, Chhatibahar of forest area of ​​Korba district of Chhatisgarh state.

Today they regret that they did not study further. Some had quit school and education till fifth standard and some before eighth standard.

These Pahari Korwas who quit their studies midway say that they wish they had studied at that time.

If they had not quit their studies midway, they would not have to graze goats in the jungle today.

They too would have been working in some school or hospital and would not have to struggle with poverty.

However, they say that the financial condition of the family was not good and there was no one to tell them, so they could not go to school.

Now that Pahari Korwas have started getting jobs, they have also started feeling that education is very important and understanding this importance, they got their children enrolled in the ashram of village Lemru for further studies after sixth standard.

In the ashram, these Pahari Korwa children were given free books, uniforms, beds to sleep etc.

Under Korba block, Pahadi Korwa Gurwar Singh of Sarabahar got his son Amit Kumar, Biras Ram got his son Ranjit and Karam Singh of Chhatibahaar got his son Sonu admitted to the Scheduled Tribe Ashram in Lemru for Class VI education.

Gurwar Singh said that he came to know that in Korba district, boys and girls of Pahadi Korwas are being given jobs in schools and hospitals. His son has passed Class V. That is why he has not got a job.

Now he has to study further, so he has got them admitted to the Ashram in Lemru. He said that it becomes difficult for the children of Pahadi Korwas to study while staying at home. Living near the forest, children go towards the forest. It will become easier to study by staying at one place in the Ashram. Food will also be available on time.

Karam Singh of Chhatibahaar got his son Sonu admitted. He said that his life is spent wandering in the forest in the village.

There are 7 members in the house. He has got one of his daughters admitted to the Ashram in Devphari and his son Sonu admitted to the Ashram in Lemru. Seeing the arrangements in the ashram, I am happy that my son and daughter will be able to study further here without wandering here and there.

If they have to sleep, wake up, bathe and eat on time, then they will definitely focus on studies and will be able to get a job after studying more classes.

After getting his son Ranjit admitted in class 6th, Biras Ram said that earlier we used to keep our children at home with us.

When we used to go somewhere, the children also used to go with us. Due to this, we used to miss school also.

Now we have realized the importance of studies. That is why we have got our son admitted in the ashram.

If he studies well and gets a job, then he will be able to take care of his family well. Along with admission in the ashram and admission in the school, the children of the Pahadi Korwas are feeling very happy to get new dresses, books, rooms with lights and fans and separate beds for sleeping.

They say that we will study well here and if we get a job, we will do that too.

The superintendent and head master of the ashram, Shri Ramnarayan Bhagat said that in the ashram, children are made to study, eat and play sports on time along with discipline. Here they are given two meals a day, special food on Sundays, oil and soap as well. There are already 3 Pahadi Korwa children in the Ashram.

He told that in the initial days the Pahadi Korwa children feel a bit awkward in living here because they have been living in a different way in the forest with their families.

Staying here on time and having meals, their daily routine will change and they will also enjoy mingling with the other children. He told that it is a matter of joy that Pahadi Korwa children have come and got admitted in the Ashram, otherwise they try to stay away from other communities too.

It is noteworthy that under the guidance of Chief Minister Vishnu Dev Sai, 108 unemployed youths of special backward tribal community Pahari Korwa and Birhor tribe residing in Korba district have been given jobs.

On the initiative of the district administration, 79 youths of special backward tribal families have been given jobs as peons and 29 youths as guest teachers and on vacant class IV posts in the hospital on honorarium basis from the District Mineral Trust.

After the youth of their community got jobs, the Korwas who were not interested in education have also become aware and they have started enrolling their children in ashrams to connect them with education, which is also a good message.