Get the survey of works approved under the Revamped Distribution Sector Scheme (RDSS) completed within the time limit.
Set a time line for each task. Impose penalty against the agency for not working within the time limit.
Energy Minister Pradyuman Singh Tomar gave these instructions during the review of the approved works in RDSS.
He said that special attention should be paid to the quality of works.
Energy Minister Tomar reviewed the works of Madhya Pradesh West Region, East Region and Central Region Power Distribution Company.
He said that the work process of all the three companies should be kept the same.
Tomar said that before giving work to any agency, it must be checked that it has not been blacklisted in the past.
He said that there should be strictness in the recovery of electricity bills. Along with this, the human aspect should also be taken care of.
Principal Secretary Energy Sanjay Dubey said that Madhya Pradesh is the first state in the country, where the scheme proposed in RDSS has been approved.
He said that in the coming month of April, he himself would inspect the approved works in some districts.
Dubey said to reduce the losses of the company.
MD Power Management Company M.R. Raghurajan, MD Central Region Power Distribution Company Ganesh Shankar Mishra, MD West Region Power Distribution Company Amit Tomar and MD. Former Kshetra Vidyut Vitran Anay Dwivedi and other officers were present.