Lord Jagannath, Lord Balabhadra, and Goddess Subhadra, the Divine Trinity, are all set to return to Srimandir on the auspicious occasion of Bahuda Jatra today. It marks the ending of his nine-day visit to his birthplace and aunt’s place.
The deities’ preparations for the return journey are complete.
The festival will follow the Covid-19 criteria to the extreme.
Since the previous night, the servitors have been doing the rituals as per tradition. Bahuda Kanta, Charabandha, and Kusumilagi rituals are all performed. The Charamala have been tied to the three Chariots.
The chariot pulling was set to commence at 4 p.m. but the ritual started before 1 pm. The three chariots are kept ready in front of Gundicha Temple’s Nakachana Dwara. The three deities are brought to Chariots from a different exit and taken inside the Gundicha temple by the Western Entrance of the temple.
On the other hand, the district administration has done everything possible to ensure that the festival goes well. The police have also increased their efforts to implement the administration’s restrictions.
The district administration has imposed a curfew which is effective from 8 pm on July 19 (Monday). The restriction will remain in force till 8 PM of July 21 (Wednesday). The prohibitory orders have been clamped to restrict mass public congregation on the Bada Danda/ rooftop and balconies of buildings adjoining the road.
Meanwhile, the police have sealed off all entry points to Puri town. It has allowed only local residents to move after being authenticated. According to an official, all hotels, lodges, and guesthouses on both sides of the Bada Danda have been closed. Previously it was found that some people had gathered on rooftops to view the celebration.
Suna besha, or golden garment (July 21), and Niladri Bije, or return to the temple, have also been planned by the district administration (July 23).