During today’s discussions with the Chief Ministers of 11 states suffering from the worst of the national Covid spiral, Prime Minister Narendra Modi interrupted Arvind Kejriwal for telecasting PM’s Meeting.
“I believe that the Center and all State governments will move together in this direction if a national strategy against COVID is in place. Our souls gone…, “Mr. Kejriwal said, but avoided cutting in with PM Modi.
“What is going on… is strictly opposed to our norm, our policy… that those Chief Ministers present live television from in-house meetings.”
This is not appropriate, we should always maintain restraint,” he chided the Delhi Chief Minister, who then apologised.
Mr Kejriwal replied: “Ok sir, we will be careful in future.
Our departed souls, those who died due to the corona, will be able to withstand it through their kin. I apologise if there was any error on my part, or if there’s something wrong with my actions. Our directions to us will be followed,” said Mr. Kejriwal.
“People are in pain due to oxygen shortage. We fear a big tragedy may happen due to oxygen shortage, and we will never be able to forgive ourselves. I request you with folded hands to direct all CMs to ensure smooth movement of oxygen tankers coming to Delhi,” Arvind Kejriwal said during the meeting.
The interaction was not to be tved and government reports have accused Mr. Kejriwal of “going down to a new low.”
“Private discussions with chief ministers at the PM conference are being broadcast for the first time. His whole speech was not designed to solve any issue, but to act in politics and avoid accountability,” the sources said.
A statement was made later by the Chief Minister’s Office as response after what happened : “Today, the Chief Minister has shared his speech live since the central government’s order that this conversation cannot be shared live has never been written or verbal. There were also times where questions of public interest were exchanged live, without classified knowledge. However, we regret it very much if there were any inconvenience.”