The Madhya Pradesh Human Rights Commission has recommended the MP government to compensate Hallu alias Imrat Singh Lodhi with Rs. 6 lakh within two months.
Lodhi appeared before the Commission and apprised about the MP High Court order in Miscellaneous Criminal Case (MCrC) no 3229/2022 State of Madhya Pradesh against Hallu alias Imrat Singh Lodhi of his acquitted of charges of murder and was lodged in the jail for 199 days, therefore he should be compensated for the financial loss his family suffered while he was in the jail.
Alongwith this, it has also been said in case of delay in paying the compensation amount within the stipulated period, interest at the rate of nine percent per annum will have to be paid separately on the balance amount from the date of the order.
The Commission taking cognizance in the matter recommended the state to compensate him.