The Madhya Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (MPERC) has invited from the public objections / comments / suggestions alongwith documents/evidence relating to the ARR and Tariff proposals.
The public has to file the objections/suggestions if any by 22/01/2024 before the Commission.
The Commission shall arrange public hearing on virtual mode for state owned East, West and Central DISCOMs on 29/01/2024, 30/01/2024 and 31/01/2024, respectively.
In order to meet out the Revenue gap, the licensees have proposed nominal hike in tariff rates along with certain changes in other terms and conditions of LT and HT tariff.
The various proposals are being made taking cognizance of the consumer’s demand to reduce complexity in Tariff.
Further in view of the recent developments, required changes have been proposed in this Petition over Ministry of Power (MoP) has issued “Consumer Service Rating Report” for Discoms wherein weightage has been given to number of tariff categories in such a fashion that the Discoms with least number of tariff categories including sub-categories and slab will get highest mark and vice-a-versa.
Further, MoP has also issued Electricity (Rights of Consumers) Amendment Rules, 2023 which stipulates provision for Time-ofDay Tariff.
Similarly, the Revised Guidelines & Standards regarding Charging Infrastructure for Electric Vehicle (EV) as issued by MoP stipulated provision for ascertaining the Tariff for Public Charging Station.
Further, the Electricity Rules, 2022 and subsequently the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) as issued by MoP for subsidy accounting and disbursement requires certain necessary changes in the Tariff Structure
of unmetered agricultural consumers.
Some Prominent changes proposed by the petitioners state owned power discoms are as follows:
Simplification of tariff slabs in LV-1.2: Domestic Tariff is proposed by removal of “Above 300 units” slab and modification of the tariff slab “151 – 300 unit” as “Above 151 units”.
For the purpose of reduction in complexity in Tariff, it is proposed to merge LV-5.1 and LV5.4 Tariff categories as both the categories have the same Tariff.
It is proposed to extend LV5.1 tariff category to flat rate consumers also, after which LV-5.4 category will no longer be required.
For ease of implementation of provision of the Electricity (Second Amendment) Rules, 2023 and Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), for subsidy accounting and disbursement, issued by the MoP, GoI, the Petitioners have proposed to merge the slabs under Tariff SubCategory LV 5.1. For simplification of tariff the petitioners have also proposed to merge
the slabs under tariff category LV 5.2.
The Petitioners have worked out proposed tariff for LV 5.1 and LV 5.2 categories by following the revenue neutral approach in respect of revenue
from all the slabs in the proposed tariff.
In line with the provision of Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for subsidy accounting and disbursement issued by the MoP, GoI, the Petitioners have proposed to calculate common measured norms at circle level to be used for the purpose of billing of unmetered permanent and temporary connections under Agriculture Category.
Introduction of kVAh billing for HT categories: kVAh tariff has been proposed for implementation in view of various advantages of switching over to kVAh billing to both licensee and consumers.
For aligning the Existing ToD structure with the Electricity (Rights of Consumers) Amendment Rules, 2023 notified by MoP, GoI ToD Tariff during off peak period of the day at specified time block (i.e., proposed solar hours) has been proposed at 0.80 times the normal tariff, whereas tariff during peak period of the day is proposed at 1.20 times the normal
tariff by the petitioners.
Introduction of ToD (Time-of-Day) Tariff is proposed for Non-Domestic and Industrial consumers having maximum/contracted demand more than ten Kilowatt in line with the provisions of the Electricity (Rights of Consumers) Amendment Rules, 2023 notified by the MoP.
In line with Revised Guidelines & Standards regarding Charging Infrastructure for Electric Vehicle (EV) issued by the MoP, the Petitioners have proposed differential tariff during solar and non-solar hours for EV Charging categories under LV & HV Tariff schedules.
All applicable rebates for HV-3 category consumers have been proposed to be continued for FY 2024-25 except for PF incentives and penalties as kVAh billing has been proposed for HT consumers.
The Petitioners have proposed two types of Green Energy Charges / Tariff for FY 2024-25 with suitable modifications, one for the purpose of reducing carbon footprint and seeking Certification to this effect and other as per MPERC (Co-generation and generation of electricity from Renewable sources of energy) Regulations, 2021 as amended, for RPO compliance of the consumers.