Madhya Pradesh Transmission Company (MP Transco) has made another innovation, the first 132 KV underground line of the state has been energized successfully at state capital Bhopal for metro rail project. M.P. Energy Minister Pradyuman Singh Tomar told that for power supply to Bhopal Metro, success has been achieved in energizing it by constructing an underground line by MP TRANSCO through Human Machine Interface technology from Transco’s Bhopal SCADA center, this first 132 KV line of the state was commissioned. The underground line was energized remotely.
Now M.P. Transco’s supply has become available upto 132 KV RSS. Substation of Bhopal Metro Subhash Nagar.
For the first time in Madhya Pradesh.
On achieving this important and challenging goal of being energized by installing underground cable on132 KV voltage label, Energy Minister Shri Tomar congratulated employees of M.P. Transco.
Superintending engineer of MP Transco at Bhopal Rajesh Kumar Shandilya told that MP Transco made supply available upto 132 KV RSS substation of Bhopal Metro Subhash Nagar . M.P. Transco’s constructed 132 KV Double circuit line of 2.1 KM from 132 KV Substation Chambal (Bhopal).
For the first time in the state, this technology has been used for power transmission.