Under the digital campaign for New India, Madhya Pradesh Power Transmission Company has also made an innovation.
For open access to the power transmission in Madhya Pradesh, any consumer, firm or licensee will no longer have to visit the headquarters Jabalpur or the capital Bhopal.
Executive Director of Madhya Pradesh Power Transmission Company, Sameer Nagotia said that keeping in mind the convenience of the licensee or person, firm or consumer engaged in power generation, a digital portal has been developed by the company, through which intra state open access application can be made online, will be accepted.
While this process will promote transparency, MP Transco has also joined the Digital India campaign for New India.
Executive Engineer Anand Shukla had the main contribution in developing this portal.
Open Access is a provision in which facilities related to transmission lines can be obtained by any licensed, consumer or person engaged in generation, firm as per the rules specified by the appropriate Commission.
Earlier, for this, a long process of application had to be completed by submitting physical documents. .
Madhya Pradesh Power Transmission Company has now developed a digital portal for this, in which now no person, firm, consumer will need to go to Jabalpur to complete the process and now all the work can be done online.