MP Transco (MP Power Transmission Company) has installed new 63 MVA capacity power transformer at 132 KV substation Raisen. Energy Minister of Madhya Pradesh Pradyuman Singh Tomar has congratulated the personnel of MP Transco for energizing this transformer by installing a power transformer of 63 MVA capacity at a cost of about Rs. 3.09 crores in place of 20 MVA capacity power transformer.
Tomar said that MP Transco has increased the capacity of 132 KV substation Raisen to provide quality electricity to agricultural consumers including industrial area Sehatganj.
He informed that this transformer has been installed keeping in mind the potential increasing demand of electricity for Sehatganj industrial area and irrigation in Raisen district.
With this, the consumers of Raisen, Sultanpur, Naktara, Degaon, Barla areas including Sehatganj industrial area of Raisen district will be able to get quality electricity at proper voltage.
Increase in the transformation capacity of Raisen district
RK Khare, Superintending Engineer of MP Transco said that with this capacity increase, the transformation capacity of Raisen district has increased. MP Transco transmits power from its 09 extra high voltage tension substations in Raisen district.
In which 02 substations of 220 KV Mandideep and Udaipura and 07 substations of 132 KV Mandideep, Silvani, Raisen, Tamod, Salamatpur, Bareilly and Garatganj are functional. With this capacity addition, the capacity of Raisen 132 KV substation has increased to 153 MVA, while the total transformation capacity of the district has increased to 1342 MVA.