Diabetes leads to other diseases. There are no symptoms of diabetes, but after suffering from it problems start coming, this is a dangerous sign, said Diabetologist Dr. Vishal Kastwar in a lecture on control and prevention of diabetes.
The lecture on control and prevention of diabetes was organized under the aegis of MP Power Management Company.
He said that diabetes can be prevented by regular exercise, dietary changes, blood glucose monitoring and periodic checkups.
In the lecture program, MP Power Management Company Managing Director Raghuraj Rajendran, Chief General Manager Human Resource and Administration Rajeev Gupta, Chief Engineer Human Resource and Administration Rajkishore Khandelwal, Chief Medical Officer Dr. SK Verma and cartoonist Rajesh Dubey and large number of officials and power personnel were present.
Every eleventh person in the country is suffering from diabetes-Dr. Vishal Kastwar said.
At present, more than 8 crore people in the country are suffering from diabetes. Fifty percent of these are not even aware of suffering from diabetes, he said.
He said that due to lack of understanding and knowledge of diabetes in the society, there is confusion about this disease. Freedom from diabetes is possible with lifestyle changes.
Raghuraj Rajendran, Managing Director, MP Power Management Company was specially present on the occasion. He said that due to the change in food and lifestyle in the society, the number of people suffering from diabetes has increased.
Rajendran said that one can be free from diabetes by changing the lifestyle. He said that the aim of the doctor should be to promote health activity along with the treatment of the disease. Like abroad, the topmost priority of the doctor in the country should be that no one should fall sick and the health of the people should remain better than before.
Chief General Manager Rajeev Gupta said that due to the interest of the Managing Director of Power Management Company, this lecture program on control and prevention of diabetes became possible.
On the occasion, the audience observed the cartoon exhibition made by Rajesh Dubey on control and prevention of diabetes. This exhibition was on display at the Central Library located at Shakti Bhavan. The program was coordinated by Satish Gupta.