A 55-year-old man clears his master of science (M.Sc.) in Mathematics in span of 25 years appeared as many 23 times to pass finally in all subjects in year 2021.
Rajkaran Barua a multi task worker from domestic help to security guard says his aim to have a post graduate degree in Mathematics was to teach the children coming from financially weaker section of society.
I will start classes for the children soon, he declares.
He says I want to teach mathematics to the children in simplest form.
He told that he was basically a student of bio-science but one day saw a school teacher where he studied the way he was teaching on the blackboard various sums related to circle, cone, etc.
I got inspiration from there and I decided to study post graduation degree in mathematics, he says.
I worked in many places ranging from domestic help to security guard where most of the masters were helpful and there were many instances wherein I picked the book for reading the moment there was call to do some domestic work which obstructed my studies, he said.
He stayed in out houses in bungalows in lieu of doing some domestic work.