Urban Development and Housing Minister Bhupendra Singh has informed that the first phase of the e-municipality project has been completed. Now, on the basis of the experience gained from the first phase, the department is starting its second phase with the aim of further improving this project and providing benefits to the citizens by incorporating the techniques of new information technology updated according to the time. This project will be for a total of 7 years. In this, 2 years will be for the development of the new portal and 5 years for the maintenance of the portal. The new project will include a total of 16 modules and 24 citizen services. Technical human resources will be made available to urban bodies to make them technically efficient.
Latest technical arrangements like better user interface, mobile app based services, WhatsApp based services, digital payment, GIS integration, cloud technology, kiosk model, citizen grievances, single window system, MIS dashboard have been included in the new project. Along with this, a provision has been made to add new works and new services. Revenue and registration department will also be linked with this. The expenses incurred by the urban bodies are paid through this portal, due to which transparency is maintained in the income-expenditure of the bodies.
E-municipality project is a very important project for promotion of e-governance, easy delivery of public services to citizens and transparency in the works of urban bodies. At present, by connecting all the urban bodies of the state on a unified platform, not only the citizen services have been made online, but the internal functions and processes of the urban bodies have also been made online through this project. Madhya Pradesh is the first state in the country to do this.