Energy Minister Pradyuman Singh Tomar has informed that Rs 48 crore has been approved for the purpose of strengthening the electrical infrastructure of Singrauli district and reducing power losses.
Out of this, Rs 37 crore has been sanctioned by the Government of India and Rs 12 crore by the State Government under the first phase of Revamped Distribution Sector Scheme.
Installation of 132/33 KV additional high tension power transformer, construction of 4 new 33/11 KV sub-stations, installation of capacitor banks at 9 places to improve voltage system, separation work of 21 high tension feeders, 168 Distribution transformer installation, cabling work of 2369 kilometer low tension lines and separation of 280 high tension feeders and conductor capacity enhancement works are included.
Due to this, the population of about 12 lakhs of Singrauli district will be benefited and the electricity demand for the next 10 years will be met successfully.