Paddy production is very good in Balaghat district of Madhya Pradesh. Solar energy based solar light traps are being provided to the farmers under the National Food Security Mission for pest control in paddy and other crops.
Farmer Virendra Dhandre and other farmers of Katangjhari village of the district are successfully using solar light trap.
Solar light trap is kept at one place in the field. This device has an ultraviolet light. During the day, energy is collected by the panels in sunlight and when it gets dark, due to the sensor, the light in the device turns on, which attracts insects towards itself.
After the insects enter the trap, they get trapped in the net below. In this way, farmers are helped in protecting their crops from stem borer butterfly and other insects. Farmers are successful in saving their crops without the use of pesticides. Farmers erect this machine in the fields with the support of bamboo. One agricultural machine is sufficient for 3 to 5 acres.
The battery is charged by solar panels during the day. This equipment is available to farmers in the market for Rs 2500 to 3500 thousand. Farmers are being provided a grant amount of Rs 500 per hectare.