Madhya Pradesh Revenue and Transport Minister Govind Singh Rajput said the Bharatiya Janata Party has given respect to farmers.
On occasion of birth anniversary of former Prime Minister Bharat Ratna Atal Bihari Vajpayee, the ministers laid the foundation stone of various development works including irrigation project amounting to Rs. 170.88 crore.
The Kissan Samman Samaroh was organised to felicitate the farmers.
There was a time when there was no electricity in the rural areas, the farmers used to get upset, BJP understood the pain of the farmers and now there is electricity in the villages round the clock, it was the BJP that gave respect to the farmers and gave them their right, said the revenue minister.
The event was organized on occasion of the birth anniversary of Bharat Ratna Vajpayee, in which farmers above 70 years of age of Surkhi Assembly Constituency of Sagar district were honored by giving shawl, coconut (sreephal) in their hands and garlanding them. The sapplings of fruit trees were also given to the farmers as a gift by the Minister.
In his speech, Rajput said farmers are on the base of the country’s economy. The BJP is the party that has prepared and executed plans keeping in need of small and big problems of the farmers, today the Kisan Samman Nidhi is coming in the account of every farmer, Rajput said.
Panchayat and Rural Minister Mahendra Singh Sisodia said the farmer is the soul of the country without which the country cannot progress.
State President of BJP’s Kisan Morcha, Darshan Chaudhary said the BJP has made plans to strengthen the farmers so that the farmer becomes strong.
Panchayat President Heera Singh Rajput said this function in Jaisinagar is historic where the country’s food giver are honored.
During the event, Revenue and Transport Minister Govind Singh Rajput and Panchayat and Rural Minister Mahendra Singh Sisodia performed bhoomi poojan of the Multipurpose Jera Medium Irrigation Project, a year-old demand of the residents.
About 25 to 30 villages of Surkhi assembly constituency will get its benefits after the project starts. Rs.170.88 crores is sanctioned for this scheme, along with this farmers’ rest house, tap water scheme, college building and other projects worth crores of rupees were sanctioned, the two buses were flagged off for the residents to to to Barman.
In the function, the certificates were distributed to more than 100 people under the Swamitwa Yojna. Along with this, the benefits of the schemes, pumps, seeds, etc. were distributed to the farmers.
On this occasion, BJP Kisan Morcha President Dheeraj Singh Oriya, Saheb Singh, Mandal President Jitendra Singh, BJP leaders Pappu Rai, Lakhan Choubey, Yogesh Singh, Golu Hemant, Dabboo Bhatia, Pahlad Patel Awadhesh Jain, Shaleen Singh, District Panchayat member Urmila Shailendra Srivastava, Usha Pramod Patel, BJP secretaries Devendra Phuskele, Anil Srivaswat, Anku Chaurasia, all district panchayat members of the area, janpad members, sarpanch secretaries and hundreds of BJP workers were present.