Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan said s necessary to attack the roots of illegal drug trade to save the society from the poison of drugs and to control the evil tendencies that are developing among the people.
Destroy such criminals. No one can be allowed to consume alcohol in the open, indulge in hooliganism and drive a vehicle, he said.
The police administration deserves applause and greetings for the effective action taken on illegal drug trade in the last two days, he said.
This is a holy campaign. Proceedings against illegal drug activities should continue uninterruptedly, he said.
No recovery should be started under the guise of campaign, he instructed. Action should be taken by the EOW against the officers and employees of the police administration on receiving complaints of favoritism and corruption. Drug dealers and mafia will not be released under any circumstances, it is our resolve.
Director General of Police Sudhir Saxena informed that taking prompt action, all hookah bars have been closed in the state. Action has been taken particularly in Indore, Bhopal and Gwalior. In the last two days, 189 cases have been registered under the NDPS Act.
Two thousand 589 cases were registered against illegal liquor and 16600 liters of illicit liquor was confiscated. 163 cases of smoking in public places, 335 of drinking liquor in public places and 200 cases of driving under the influence of alcohol have been registered.
He said raids have been conducted at 1700 suspicious places related to drug trafficking and Two thousand 486 related to illicit liquor. It was informed that activities are being conducted on social media including schools, colleges and various publicity mediums for awareness against drug addiction. A draft has been prepared to amend the COTPA Act.
Chief Minister Chouhan said he public should be informed about the action being taken against persons involved in illegal drug trade. This will create an atmosphere of fear among the criminals and the general public will feel safe. Those conducting drug activities are committing sins. Cases of family violence under the influence of drugs are also increasing. Those who are in office, it is their duty and rightousness to take action against such criminals. It is the responsibility of all of us to make a better society by saving the coming generations from the poison of drugs.
Chief Minister Shri Chouhan directed to empower the intelligence system and to make arrengements to reward them. A plan should be made to set up de-addiction centres in the state and de-addiction units should be set up in jails as well.
Chief Minister Shri Chouhan said that the diligent officers would be honoured on Madhya Pradesh Foundation Day. List of corrupt officials should be prepared and it should be ensured that such persons are not given field posting. The state government is committed to provide clean and corruption free administration to the people of the state. Chief Secretary Shri Bains said that the activities related to sale of narcotics from drug shops are also being monitored. Information was also given about the action taken on use of sanitizer as intoxicant in Bhopal and illegal trade of munakka (dry grapes) in Indore.