Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan has said that a grand statue of Veerangana Maa Puri Bai will be installed by selecting a suitable place in the state. Maa Puri Bai Jayanti will be celebrated with pomp on 11th December, this day will be declared as a optional holiday. Keer Samaj’s welfare board will also be formed in the name of Maa Puri Bai. Chief Minister Chouhan was addressing the Keer Samaj Sammelan organized at his residence. State President of Keer Samaj Komal Singh, Patron KG Keer and Acting President Bhagirath Prasad along with other office bearers and a large number of community people from all over the state were present in the sammelan.

My relation with Keer Samaj is since childhood

Chief Minister Chouhan said that my relation with Keer Samaj has been there since childhood. I played and grew up among the people of Keer Samaj. I will always stand with the Keer Samaj. I will leave no stone unturned for the welfare, upliftment and education of the children of the Keer Samaj.

Action will be taken to write the actual occupation with the caste

Chief Minister Chouhan said that the matter of change of business of Keer Samaj is under consideration. The reality is that your current business is not what you have written. Keer Samaj pursues agriculture, agriculture-labour, tendupatta collection, Mahua picking etc. Action will be taken to write their real occupation with the caste. Chief Minister Chouhan said that after re-survey, he will send the proposal to the Government of India to be included in the Scheduled Tribes with recommendations.

Mukhyamantri Udyam Kranti Yojana will be given benefit

Chief Minister Chouhan said that money will not be allowed to come in the way of education of talented children. Medical / engineering and higher education fees will be paid by Mama. We will also make efforts to ensure that children come forward in the field of industry and business apart from traditional business. Under the Mukhyamantri Udyam Kranti Yojana, loans ranging from Rs one lakh to Rs 50 lakh will be given to interested youth. The government will take its guarantee.

Mukhyamantri Ladli Behna Yojana was my heart’s passion

Chief Minister Chouhan said that Keer Samaj never disrespected sisters and daughters. The Samaj has given enough respect and space to women. Daughters are Devis for me. Society can never progress without daughters and sisters. Several schemes including Mukhyamantri Ladli Laxmi Yojana, Mukhyamantri Kanyadan Yojana have been introduced. Now Mukhyamantri Ladli Bahna Yojana has been launched, which was my heart’s passion. I want to see sisters strong, not helpless. In this scheme, Rs one thousand per month is being given now, which will gradually increase to Rs three thousand.

Chief Minister Chouhan inaugurated the sammelan with Kanya Pujan and by lighting the lamp. Chief Minister Chouhan welcomed the people of Keer Samaj with flower shower. The representatives of the Samaj also welcomed Chief Minister Chouhan by presenting him with garlands and flowers.