Madhya Kshetra Vidyut Vitran Company has announced a reward scheme for prevention of power theft. There is a provision to give reward under prescribed conditions for giving information about illegal use. If the amount is recovered on the basis of information, 10 percent of the amount will be paid to the successful informer. There is no maximum limit on this amount.
Regarding illegal use/theft of electricity, apart from the Central Region Power Distribution Company Headquarters and Regional Headquarters, Regional General Managers can also be informed in writing or on telephone. It will be the responsibility of the concerned officer to keep the informant’s information confidential. The officer-employee of the company will not be considered as informant. The incentive amount will be paid to the informer from the company headquarter. The incentive amount will be deposited directly into the bank account of the informant.
Two and a half percent amount will also be given as incentive to the departmental officers and employees who prepare the case and recover the amount. A vigilance cell has been constituted at the company headquarters for the implementation of this scheme. Information can also be sent to this vigilance cell. The address of Vigilance Cell is: Vigilance Cell, Office of the Managing Director, M.P.M.Kshev.V.V.K.Ltd., Govindpura Bhopal. Apart from this, there is an option to give information on the call center number 1912 or on the UPAY app.