Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan has said that the Mahayagya for the service of Matri Shakti (mother power) is starting from March 25 in the state.
Receiving of applications will begin from March 25 under the Mukhya Mantri Ladli Bahna Yojana implemented for women empowerment, he said.
This is not a simple work but a mission to change the lives of women. All the people’s representatives and officers-employees should join wholeheartedly in mission mode in the implementation of the scheme, he said.
The success of implementing the scheme lies in the fact that we receive applications from women without any hassle and difficulty, he said.
For this, arrangements should be made to receive applications with sensitivity in every village and ward. Activities should be carried out with detailed and micro planning in advance at the district level, he said.
Wide publicity should be given about the camps to be organised in the villages and the wards.
Chief Minister Shri Chouhan was having a virtual dialogue with all ministers, MPs, MLAs and commissioner-collectors regarding the implementation of the Ladli Bahna Yojana.
Finance Minister Jagdish Deora, Chief Secretary Iqbal Singh Bains, Principal Secretary Women and Child Development Deepali Rastogi and other officers were present in the meeting held at Samatva Bhawan at Chief Minister’s residence.
Take strict action by filing FIR against those demanding money for e-KYC
Chouhan said that funds are being made available by the state government for doing e-KYC. If any person asks money for doing e-KYC, strict action should be taken against him by filing FIR immediately. It should be clearly written on the centres set up for e-KYC that e-KYC will be free of cost.
There is no need to pay any money to anyone for this, the money for doing e-KYC is being given by the state government, he said.
The Chief Minister said that in villages or wards where there is difficulty in doing e-KYC due to network problems, district administration should arrange vehicles and take them to other centres for e-KYC, publicise it through pamphlets, folk songs and public announcements, to ensure cent percent application in the scheme. The provisional list will be pasted at public places in the villages and wards.
Scheme implementation will be monitored from CM’s Office: Phone number will be issued for resolving problems
Chouhan said that there should not be any problem in the implementation of Mukhya Mantri Ladli Bahna Yojana, for this the responsibility is being entrusted to the officers of the CM’s Office for necessary coordination along with continuous monitoring. A phone number will be issued by the Women and Child Development Department, which can be contacted for resolving the problem.
Time line of scheme
In the presentation given on the scheme, information related to necessary documents for the application, e-KYC, Aadhaar link and Samagra ID were given.
While obtaining information about the ongoing preparations in the districts for the implementation of the scheme, it was informed that the applications will be received from March 25.
The last date for receipt of applications will be April 30.
The provisional list will be released on May 1, on which objections will be received by May 15 and will be resolved by May 30.
The final list will be released on May 31. The amount will be transferred to the accounts of the beneficiaries under the scheme on June 10.
In forthcoming months also, 10th of every month will be fixed for payment. In the meeting, suggestions were put forth by public representatives and district collectors from different districts.