The report of Customer Satisfaction Survey conducted at 61 Airports during Round 1 2024 (January – June) has been submitted by the consultant.
The overall customer satisfaction index (CSI) of 61 airports on five-point scale is 4.48.
The Khajuraho airport in Madhya Pradesh has stood 10th position at national level and 1st position in Madhya Pradesh in the Customer Satisfaction Survey, Khajuraho Airport Director Santosh Singh said.
The Gwalior Airport stood 12th position at national level, Jabalpur airport stood 31st position at national level and Bhopal stood 43rd position at national level, he said.
The parameters of survey including ground transportation to/from airport, parking facilities, value for money of parking facilites, availability of baggage carts/trolleys, waiting time in check-in queue/line, efficiency of check-in staff, courtsey and helpfulness of check-in staff, thoroughness of security inspection, courtsey and helpfulness of airport staff and ease of finding your way through airport.
According to local legends, there is an interesting story of how and why the temples are called ‘Khajuraho’.
The history of Khajuraho – Chandela rulers, who began constructing the temples, got the entire area enclosed by a wall. The wall had about eight gates which were primarily used for entry or exit. It is said that each gate was flanked on either side by date and palm trees. The name was derived from these very trees and the temples were called “Khajura-vahika”. In the Hindi language, ‘Khajura’ means ‘Date Palm’ and ‘Vahika’ means ‘Bearing’. The Date Palm tree is found in abundance in this region.