Localization has a key role in meeting the G-20 Sustainable Development Goals and requires a triangular collaboration of government, civil society and private organisations.
Through this we can change the global scenario. India is doing important works in triangular cooperation. India has played a pivotal role in resolving Covid pandemic and the Ukraine crisis. India’s model in meeting the Sustainable Development Goals is historic.
In the year 2018 in Uganda Prime Minister Narendra Modi had emphasised on boosting the local capacity as much as possible. India is moving at a fast pace towards meeting the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
This was highlighted by speakers at the session “Triangular Cooperation in Localizing the Sustainable Development Goals” at the G-20’s special Think-20 event at the Kushabhau Thakre International Convention Centre today. The session was chaired by Ambassador Shri Amar Sinha, Distinguished fellow of RIS New Delhi.
Highlighting the findings of the session, he said that in the localization of Sustainable Development Goals there is a need for effective monitoring system for triangular cooperation, innovative financing, ownership of various stakeholders, converting concept into action, bringing different groups working for the development goals of G-20 to the focus, dealing with natural calamities as well as try to prevent them, removing gender inequality, etc. There is also a need to control local governments in some cases where actions are being taken against the G-20’s Sustainable Development Goals, such as in Afghanistan.
Keynote speaker of the session, Joint Secretary, Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, Sandeep Chakraborty said that mixed financing, solar energy, environmental protection, cyclic economy, etc. are needed to achieve sustainable development goals. Through triangular cooperation, work is being done in various fields to achieve these goals in India.
India is working at a fast pace on the global innovation programme. Many national parks are being maintained with the cooperation of India and France. Many experiments are being done in India for cyclic economy. Food waste of hotels is being converted into biogas.
German speaker Uwe Gehlel said that India and Germany are playing a significant role in the triangular cooperation. The work done in India in digitalization is unique in the whole world. Dr. Andre D’Souza of the Institute of Applied Economic Research Brazil said that various private organisations along with governments have an important role to play in achieving the G-20’s Sustainable Development Goals. Full contribution of the society should be obtained in localization. Shri Gerardo Bracho from Duisburg University Germany said that the local concept of ownership should not be disregarded. To achieve sustainable development goals, the priority of the concerned country has to be understood and its citizens have to be empowered.
Dr. Ruchita Berry of MPIDSA New Delhi said that India is continuously working in fields of triangular cooperation, South-South co-operation, fulfilling 2030 agenda, work on Colombo plan, food security, health, drinking water, education, training of local people, skill enhancement etc for achieving Sustainable Development Goals. Dr. Stephan Klingebiel from GIDS, Germany said that India should do more in the area of development cooperation and localization to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
Addressing the session online, Anthea Mulakala, Director, Asia Foundation, said that for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, priority should be given to triangular cooperation in the task of localization. China Agricultural University’s Prof. Dr. Zhang Changhong said that gender inequality should be addressed through local cooperation. For this, economic empowerment of women and their education will have to be made more effective and domestic violence will have to be prevented. Sushri Ana Fernandes from OECD Institute, Paris said that triangular cooperation is necessary to address global challenges in achieving the G-20 goals. The concept of ownership has to be reshaped by the government, private sector and society together. The government cannot do this work alone.