In order to bring about improvement in the Cash Award scheme, Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports has issued a circular no. K-15011/02/2023-SP-IV dated 23 January 2023 to revise the procedure for applying under Scheme of Cash Award to the medal winners for winning medals in International events and their coaches as under:
(a) The applications in respect of eligible events occurring after 11.08.2022 and those who have not received the cash award for these events, will be submitted only by the sportspersons directly through DBT-MIS portal of Department of Sports (https://dbtyas-sports.gov.in ), within a period of six months from the last date of conclusion of the concerned event;
(b) Applicants are hereby given a one-time opportunity for applying under Cash Award scheme, till 30.04.2023, in respect of eligible events which occurred prior to 11.08.2022 and for those who have not received the cash award for these events. The application will be submitted only through DBT-MIS portal of Department of Sports (https://dbtyas-sports.gov.in ). No physical applications shall be accepted.