Check your horoscope for today’s predictions about how the stars and planets in your zodiac sign will influence your day. There are twelve zodiac signs, each with its own unique characteristics. Each sign has a distinct message to convey.
From your vantage point, Aries, things appear to be going well. Given how much effort you have put in up to this point, financial security is a given. However, that isn’t the only thing that makes you feel wealthy. You are grateful for all of the experiences that have enriched your life and aided you in getting to where you are now. Furthermore, you are surrounded by people who are excited to see you fly and who are supportive of your development.
It’s time for a cup of truth tea: they’re toxic, and you’re on the verge of collapsing. So, consider whether you really want to return to poison paradise all over again. Taurus, there’s a good chance it won’t be just one hit. Today’s card suggests that you go on a major cleansing and purging spree. You already know what you shouldn’t eat. Gather the courage to lead the demon(s) to the exit.
In Gemini HQ, it’s all about love and other intoxicants. You and your amour are learning to leave the past where it belongs—in the past—and focus on the wonders that this moment has to offer. Mutual respect and understanding have always been the cornerstones of successful relationship transformation. So keep the lines of communication open and know that as you progress, you will only get stronger. Single Twins are being reminded that they are on the Spirit’s priority list. A long-hidden admirer could soon reveal their true identity. Keep an eye out for the magical in the ordinary!
Cancer, you’re already doing it. You’ve already achieved your big goal and are well on your way to the top. Distance will allow you to gain perspective and appreciate where you are. Things are also heating up for you in terms of love and romance. Your chemistry is off the charts, gorgeous, and it’s helping you rekindle the passion you thought had died with the exit door closed.
We have two choices at any given time: complain about what isn’t working or give the good in our lives more power. Something tells us you’re in the mood to send out positive vibes and turn the tables on the wheel of fortune. Remember that you are a co-creator of your reality, with the power to write your own script. A word of caution: those in your immediate vicinity may not have made ‘sunny side up’ their mantra. Draw lines where you need to so you don’t get sucked into their drama.
Virgo, you’re leaving it behind. You’re leaving everything behind. The anguish, the sadness, the isolation, and the gloom. As a result, give yourself permission to imagine a parallel reality in which you are deeply loved and supported. Believe that everything is working out for you and that you have the power to attract the love and abundance you deserve.
Libra, you are who you are, and that is your superpower. Don’t let your three-dimensional reality’s rules persuade you otherwise. You came here with a specific goal in mind, and now it’s time to work toward achieving it. So be it if it means ruffling a few feathers along the way. Remembering the legacy you’ll leave behind will give you the courage you need to face the challenges that come your way.
Scorpio, it all starts with you. Your relationship with the world around you is defined by how you feel about yourself. So, today, take it easy on yourself. Make self-care a priority and engage in activities that will refuel your mind, body, and soul. This is the only way to weather the storm that threatens to topple the old structures.
What doesn’t break you strengthens you. What doesn’t break you makes you stronger, we say again. As a result, let what needs to be undone come undone. It’s important to remember that the death of the old ushers in the birth of the new. Yes, Sagittarius, it will be chaotic. No, you’re not going to be able to comprehend what’s really going on. Nonetheless, surrender to Spirit’s plan, knowing that everything is unfolding in divine order.
The cards indicate that a significant cycle has come to an end, allowing room for a new one to begin. Capricorn, take a bow in the most graceful way possible. You’ve earned your time in the spotlight. However, moving forward at this time may not be the best option. As the dark moon approaches, it’s best to hit the pause button and integrate all of the lessons you’ve learned over the last few months. Come Monday, you’ll be ready to take on the world with renewed zeal.
Aquarius, the message keeps repeating itself: you can’t do everything on your own, no matter how hard you try. You must allow yourself to actively seek assistance and trust that those around you will assist you in the best way possible. Transform the belief that vulnerability is a sign of weakness into the belief that vulnerability is beautiful. Consider delegation if you work in a management position. This is the only way you’ll be able to concentrate on the big picture and help your company reach new heights.
Pisces, it’s been a long and lonely journey. One that has taken more from you than it has given. Despite this, you have overcome the odds and arrived at your current location. So, rather than focusing on the end goal, appreciate the journey. Know that you have the inner strength to overcome your obstacles and that you will succeed.