New Delhi, India: In a research conducted by first man to graduate from IIT-Delhi in the area of Yogic Sciences, Dr. Narendra Kumar Arya, found out that heart-based meditation improves health and overall well-being.

Dr. Narendra Kumar Arya is the first PhD graduate from IIT-Delhi in the area of Yogic Sciences. In a PhD thesis, for which he was awarded in November 2018, Dr. Arya, found Heartfulness meditation based programs to have a significant impact on health.
The study was first published in 2017 in “International Journal of Research” in Management & Social Science which was conducted at CREST Bengaluru.
The findings showed a significant improvement in the mental health, increase in the number of positive experiences and Sat-Chit-Ananda (consciousness) of the participants.
The second study was also published the same year in the “International Journal of Indian Psychology” which was carried out at the Himalayan Ashram of Sahaj Marg.
Overall derivation of the study was that Heartfulness meditation and lifestyle had a positive impact on mental health of the subjects. It improved the quality of emotional and social well-being as well as positive experiences, Sat-Chit-Ananda (consciousness).
The ones who were negatively impacted and suffered depression, anxiety and stress, slowly began to change positively. However, psychological well-being and mindfulness did not show any significant change after the meditation sessions.
The heartfulness-based meditation programs at CREST and the Himalayan Ashram of Sahaj Marg were residential programs that spanned for 5 days. Daily activities for the participants included heartfulness meditation, cleaning, prayer, volunteer work, golden silence, physical activities etc.
Sahaj Marg is also known as “Heartfulness” worldwide. It is an institutional body that promotes a heart-based meditation system which is a form of Raja Yoga.
‘Sahaj Marg’ is a Hindi name that means the path to enlightenment.
The essential features of “Heartfulness” living are Meditation, Cleaning and Prayer. These are a must and should be incorporated daily in morning, evening and night to achieve the spiritual goal. Although, don’t be confused, all the features are nothing but meditation sittings only, however, the impact that they have on us are how the features have been classified.
Meditation, morning; Cleaning, evening; Prayer, night.
‘Cleaning’ is the unique method and the reason why people are drawn to the “Sahaj Marg” living. It cleans all the ‘impressions’ samskaras in a day whereas ‘Meditation’ is conducted focusing on the divine light in one’s heart. It is done for one hour every morning.
To understand more, visit: Heartfulness
By Hemali Khanna
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