Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan has said that recruitments on one lakh government posts will be done in the state in a year, out of which appointment on about 60 thousand posts has been given. The people of the state are my family and I try to run the government like a family. The poor and labourers are God for us. You have been selected in government service to serve them. It is our responsibility to provide social security to the poor and labourers, to provide them a healthy and safe working environment. Chief Minister Chouhan was addressing the appointment letter distribution programme of Excise, Labour and Co-operative Department. CM Chouhan inaugurated the programme by lighting the lamp at the residence office. He distributed appointment letters to the newly appointed government servants and extended best wishes.

Chief Minister Chouhan said that on last August 15, I had talked about recruitment on one lakh posts in a year. This recruitment drive is going on continuously. So far, 60 thousand people have been given appointments. Today’s appointments are also included in this. It has been our commitment that recruitment in government service should be done on the basis of transparency, honesty and merit. All of you have been selected on the basis of merit, so you all deserve congratulations. After taking charge in government service, the departmental schemes and programmes will be implemented through you only. May you discharge this responsibility successfully, this is my blessing and best wishes. “I expect you to discharge your responsibilities with the feeling that we are not only for ourselves, but for the people and the state. Government service means service to the public and the development of the state and the country. And the sense of responsibility should always remain in the mind. The progress and development of the state depends on you. The successful implementation of public welfare schemes and programmes also depends on you”.

Responsibilities of the Co-operative, Labour and Excise Department are important

Chief Minister Chouhan said that the Co-operative Department is an important department related to social concern. The department is contributing to the development of the people and the state by providing financial services to rural and remote areas. Labour Department is important from the point of view of providing healthy and safe working environment to the workers. It is necessary to be vigilant, especially with respect to that the workers of the unorganised sector are not exploited. The Excise Department has a dual responsibility. It is necessary for the employees of the department to always be alert for drug control and to prevent sale of illegal liquor. The officers and employees of this department should take a pledge that they will not allow illegal activities to be carried out and will make every possible effort to safeguard the revenue of the state. In the new excise policy, a decision has been taken to close the Ahatats and its successful implementation has been done. To control addiction, the mindset of the people will have to be improved and work of raising public awareness will also have to be done.

State is on the path of progress

Chief Minister Chouhan said that the state is moving on the path of development and progress. The per capita income which used to be Rs. 11 thousand in the year 2002-03 has now increased to Rs. one lakh 40 thousand. GSDP is 15 lakh crore and the budget of the state is 3 lakh 15 thousand crore. There has been a lot of improvement in the field of entire infrastructure including road, water, electricity. Along with this, activities are being conducted with sensitivity in the departments having social concerns.

Appointment letters distributed to a total of 741

Appointment letters were distributed to a total of 741 candidates in the programme. Appointment letters were given to 340 excise constables in the Excise Department, 347 clerks and computer operators in the Co-operative Department and 54 candidates for the posts of Insurance Medical Officer, Pharmacist, Assistant Grade 3 and Safai Sevak in the Labour Department.

Principal Secretary Co-operation Umakant Umrao, Principal Secretary Commercial Taxes Deepali Rastogi, Excise Commissioner OP Srivastava, Managing Director Apex Bank PS Tiwari and selected candidates were present.