The Tribal Affairs Department has put up a departmental exhibition at the Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology (MANIT) at the International Science Festival-2022 from January 21 to 24.
The excellent works and schemes being done were displayed depicting their growing steps in the field of education. The work being done in the field of education in the Eklavya Adarsh residential schools run by the Madhya Pradesh Special and Residential Academic Society (MP-Saras) of the department in the tribal districts of the state has been shown.
The department’s unprecedented and ambitious CM Rise School scheme in the field of education of tribal department’s exhibition has also been included in this exhibition. In this, a panel exhibition of selected concept plans, rear view of the building, pre-nursery and senior classrooms and sports complex of the departmental 95 cm rise school to be constructed in the tribal districts of the state has been displayed. Research books, photo collections and coffee table books published by the Tribal Research and Development Society have also been displayed. Department’s scholarship, free coaching, employment skills, Exhibition based on schemes related to hostel/ashram and special residential schools have been put up. Science models prepared by the students of Eklavya Adarsh Residential School located at Bawdia Kala Bhopal have also been displayed. These students also visited other exhibitions in the festival.