The press information office tweeted a message from WhatsApp that all under a Covid relief scheme the government gives a total of 4,000 Rupees, that it is false. “A WhatsApp message says that, under a scheme of the Corona Care Fund, the Indian Government is giving everyone a sum of four thousand dollars. It’s a wrong statement. The state does not operate such a programme, “In a tweet in Hindi, PIB’s Fact Check handle.
The Press Information Bureau tweeted that it is wrong to give everybody a sum of Rs. 4,000 in the context of a Covid help package and no extension of such financial help. “A message from WhatsApp states that, according to the Croona Care Fund, the Indian government is granting everybody a sum of four thousand dollars. That’s a wrong statement. The government does not operate this scheme, “In a tweet in Hindi, the PIB Fact Check handle said.
The government has announced a slew of measures in response to the economic hardship caused by the coronavirus pandemic and the restrictions imposed to control the spread of Covid-19 throughout the country.
Prior to this, PIB Fact Check debunked claims that Prime Minister Narendra Modi had declared a nationwide lockdown from July 1 to July 31 and that the pandemic had entered its “third wave.” PM Modi made no such announcement, according to PIB Fact Check, and citizens should be wary of such viral posts.
“The Prime Minister has not made any such announcement. Kindly be wary of such misleading messages. The said claim is fake,” PIB Fact Check tweeted.