In a significant step towards digitization and modernization of the Judiciary, e-Filing & Scanning centre was inaugurated at High Court of Madhya Pradesh today.
Madhya Pradesh High Court Acting Chief Justice Sanjeev Sachdeva inaugurated e-Filing & Scanning centre in presence of the Judges of High Court of Madhya Pradesh and office bearers of various Bar Associations of High Court of Madhya Pradesh, Jabalpur.
This facility will enable the Advocates, litigants-in-person to file fresh cases as well as applications, reply, rejoinder, documents, vakalatnama etc. in the pending cases from e-Filing centre.
The e-Filing centre consists of all the facilities, which are required to file a case online. Special facility like a support person or facilitator and scanners are also provided in the centre. Proper sitting arrangement has been done and e-Filing centre is fully Air-Conditioned.

Quick Response (Q.R.) code has been provided for financial transaction for speedy e-Filing.
Special incentives has been given to Advocates, litigants regarding e-Filing of a case, if the case is filed by e-Filing module then it will be listed urgently on 3rd working day from the date of filing subject to no default and in case of defaults from the date of removal of defaults.
The e-Filing centre will enhance e-Filing in the High Court and will also reduce public exchequer money, which was spend earlier in scanning or digitizing the cases. It will also reduce physical paperwork and it is a environment-friendly initiative.