The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has registered a case against five accused and unknown others on the allegations of tech fraud to the tune of US $ 400,000 committed upon a US citizen.
Name of the accused:
(i) Praful Gupta, R/o Delhi
(ii) Rishabh Dixit R/o Kanpur (U.P).
(iii) Sarita Gupta R/o Delhi.
(iv) Kunal Almadi R/o Delhi.
(v) Gaurav Pahwa R/o Delhi.
It was alleged that when the victim was working on her laptop, it was hacked.
She contacted the number displayed on her laptop screen, the hacker impersonating as an employee of a Multi National Software company & misguided her that there were some wire transfers from her retirement account and suggested her to contact Fidelity Investments.
It was further alleged that she called on the given number, the hacker took control of her laptop and induced her to transfer an amount of US$ 400,000 from her Fidelity Account to her First State Bank Account.
It was also alleged that the hacker fraudulently opened an Okcoin account on behalf of victim and made her to transfer the said amount of US$ 400,000 to the said Okcoin account during June, 2022.
After converting the amount of US$ 400,000 in the form of crypto currency, the hacker further allegedly transferred the said amount to the Crypto Accounts of accused persons, the CBI press communique said.
Searches were conducted at the residential & official premises of the accused at New Delhi, Kanpur and recovered incriminating material in the form of laptops, mobile phones, hard disks etc.
Investigation is continuing.