The Special Court for CBI Cases Mohali (Punjab) has convicted SAIL ex-manager Shankar Batra and ex- senior assistant / cashier Ashwini Oberoi & SBI ex-assistant Buta Ram Ghai and sentenced them to undergo seven years rigorous imprisonment with total fine of Rs. 2,45,000.
CBI had registered a case against then Chief Manager, SBI and others.
It was alleged that the accused entered into conspiracy with each other and fraudulently cheated the SBI, New Railway Road Branch, Jalandhar (Punjab).
An alleged loss to the tune of Rs. 18.63 crore (approx.) was caused by way of manipulation, forgery, cheating, fraud etc.
After investigation, a Chargesheet was filed before the Court of Special Judge, CBI Cases, SAS Nagar, Mohali (Punjab) on 13.09.2004, against seven accused including then public servants & then Directors of private company.
During trial, four accused including then Chief Manager, SBI and said Directors of private company expired and proceedings against them were abated.
The Trial Court found the said three accused guilty and convicted them.