Politicians seen thumping their chest and celebrating new rising India. 75 years after independence, India is said to be a global leader. The question that we have to ponder upon is – is these rising India’s progress shallow as women who have been an integral part of Indian society is enduring tremendous challenges.

India is set to be one of the fastest growing economics in the world. For this year alone IMF has forecasted 6.8 per cent growth of the in Indian economy in comparison to 1.6 per cent for the US.  Predicted to be the third largest economy in the world by 2030. Despite its economic growth, the status of women is a matter of concern.  Statistics suggest, Women who constitute 50 per cent population has minimal contribution in its economy, polity and society.  It is ironic that in India, Women’s participation is dismal and they face gender discrimination, violence and sexual harassment.

Article 19 of the constitution of India gives equal right to every citizen of the country regardless of their gender. But women’s health, education and economic opportunity is a matter of concern.

Elections in India have witnessed a striking contrast in recent times. The female voter turnout has increased in the county.  Seven out of eight states that went to the polls in 2022 saw a jump in female voter turnout. All Political parties are now alluring women voters by doling out freebies including depositing money in accounts apart from free bus and train tickets.  These measures have not helped in the empowerment of women. The increasing proportion of women voters seen in local state and general elections has not translated into more women contesting elections.

Total number of women in Lok Sabha is 78 out of 543 members. As per Data of the inter parliamentary union of India, women make up 14.44 per cent of the Lok Sabha. The data further suggest that women represent 10.5 per cent of all the members of the parliament as of October 2021. For all the state assemblies female MLA’s representation stands at an average of 9 per cent. India’s ranking in this regard has fallen behind Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal. The data for May 2022, showed that women’s representation in Pakistan was 20 per cent, in Bangladesh 21 per cent and in Nepal was 34 per cent. Since independence women’s representation has not even increased by 10 per cent.

 Indian women lack representation in Bureaucracy. too Women’s participation is low enough for several public service jobs. As per the Indian administrative services data and the central government’s employment censes of 2011 less than 11 per cent of its total employees were women. in 2020 it reached 13 per cent which is still very low. Women Labour Participation in India is ne of the worse in the world. Female Labour force Participation Rate (LFPR) is a minimal 29 per cent.  The data suggest, we are able to empower women in India.

Women have been inducted in police, paramilitary and armed forces but much more is needed to done to enable them to contribute their full potential and for the community to gain from their presence. Furthermore, there is a general perception that women should be preferred for soft assignments like social welfare, culture women and child development which is becoming a stumbling block for our girls to prosper and grow.

Society has relegated its girls to a secondary position. Their rise has been only been on the surface. Scratch it and the reality will be visible.  Murder of women continues unabated. According to NCRB data police in India recorded 4,28,728 cases against women between Jan 2021 to December 2021. 107 women were attacked with acid ,1580 women trafficked 2668 women were victims of cyber-crime.  Last year, the police recorded 6795 dowery death. That is, on an average one dowery death is happening in every 77 mins.

The literacy rate of women in our country, according to 2011 census, is 65.4 per cent which cannot be a health sign for any country. When we talk about progress and development we have to think about these issues and address the real issues relentlessly to achieve the lost glory and stand our in the world. Till we empower our women and they have equal contribution to the economic it will be shallow to claim to be a rising country in the world.