Bollywood celebrity, Aamir Khan, tested positive for COVID-19. Kartik Aaryan, Ranbir Kapoor, and Kriti Sanon are among the celebrities who have recently been afflicted with the novel coronavirus.
Aamir Khan’s spokesperson released a statement stating that the actor has tested positive for COVID-19 and is in self-quarantine at home, following all precautions and doing well. “All those who have recently come into touch with him should get themselves checked as a precautionary measure,” the spokesman continued. Thank you very much for your kind words and concern.”,
“He has home quarantined himself,” a source told Pinkvilla, “and has also asked his workers to take the exam, to take all appropriate precautions, and to obey all of the instructions to the letter. He will resume shooting for Laal Singh Chaddha once he has fully recovered.”
The development comes as the number of coronavirus cases in India continues to climb, with Maharashtra leading the way. The BMC has banned all private (inside housing societies) and public Holi gatherings on Holika Dahan and Rang Panchami, according to the state government.
A day after his birthday, Aamir announced via his social media pages that he is quitting the platform once for all. The superstar penned, “Hey guys, thank you so much for all the love and warmth on my birthday. My heart is full. In other news, this is going to be my last post on social media. Considering that I am SO active anyway, I have decided to drop the pretence. We will continue to communicate as we did before. Lots of love,
Later, when asked about the’real’ explanation for leaving social media, he told the paparazzi not to speculate about it, saying that he is hardly on it as it is and that he is going nowhere. The actor told the press that he had spoken with people long when he was on social media, and that his departure would improve the work of the media because he would now be able to connect with his followers through the internet.
Aamir’s forthcoming film Laal Singh Chaddha also features Kareena Kapoor Khan in the lead role. This year’s Christmas weekend will see the release of the film.
A few more bollywood celebrities including Ranbir Kapoor, Kartik Aryan and Gauhar Khan also tested positive for corona earlier.