The Bajaj Auto previous had said in India that is betting big on electric vehicles for future and the company is planning to come up with high-end Tesla-like electric two-wheelers next year. In an interview to CNBC-TV18, Rajiv Bajaj, managing director, said Bajaj Auto is looking to create a luxury category of electric two-wheelers.
Further, Bajaj said growth in December is expected to be driven by 60 percent in Pulsar, 50-60 percent growth in Platina and about 25-30 percent growth in CT 100. In an interview earlier, Rajiv Bajaj had described the launch of the 100-cc variant of the commuter bike Discover as the “biggest blunder” of his career as it stunted the company at the No 2 position. He noted that the Discover was a differentiating product when it was launched in 125-cc format, “offering mileage with a little fun,” which was evident from the rising volumes.
In the interview to CNBC-TV18, Pune-based two-wheel major also said that achieving sales of 4 lakh units or more over the next few months would be a good number, especially if the industry is soft, “For six months of the fiscal, the run rate was 4 lakh units between domestic and exports both for motorcycles and three-wheelers. However, in the festive months season, the company did sales of 5 lakh units, but in November again they were back to around 4 lakh units.”