Urban Development and Housing Minister Bhupendra Singh has informed that in-principle approval has been issued to 413 civic bodies in the fourth phase of the Chief Minister Urban Infrastructure Development Scheme. A total amount of Rs. 1193 crore 50 lakh has been approved for all the bodies.
Minister Singh told that with this amount, works related to road construction, urban traffic improvement, urban beautification, social and sports infrastructure, works related to garden development as well as construction and upgradation of office buildings will be done. The fourth phase of Chief Minister Urban Infrastructure Development Scheme will be applicable for two financial years.
Eligibility of urban bodies
The eligibility of urban bodies has also been fixed in the scheme. Municipal corporations Bhopal, Indore, Gwalior and Jabalpur have been fixed eligibility of Rs. 25 crore, Ujjain Rs. 15 crore, remaining 11 municipal corporations Rs. 8 crore each. In municipal councils, 17 bodies with a population of more than one lakh are eligible for Rs. 6 crore each and 82 bodies with a population up to one lakh are eligible for Rs. 5 crore each. Similarly, eligibility of Rs. 3 crore each has been fixed for 21 city councils with a population of more than 25 thousand and Rs 1.5 crore each for 277 bodies with a population of less than 25 thousand.
Instructions have been given to prepare proposals for construction works soon according to the eligibility in the plan and send them to the headquarters. Along with this, proof of ownership and possession of the proposed work site will have to be given by the body. It has been directed that tenders will be invited only after getting the design of the proposed works approved by the Government Engineering Polytechnic College. Getting the design done after the tender will not be valid. For proper implementation of the scheme, the powers of Municipal Corporation Council, Municipal Council or City Council can be exercised by the Mayor in Council or the President in Council. Instructions have also been given for continuous monitoring of construction works.