Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan has said that the agriculture sector works to strengthen the economy. Madhya Pradesh has made a lot of progress in the field of agriculture. Senior Agriculture Development and Rural Agriculture Extension officers posted in the department have got the responsibility of changing the lives of the farmers. The important responsibility of changing the fate of the farmers of the state and making their future on the newly appointed agriculture officers.
Madhya Pradesh is far ahead in the agriculture sector. The newly appointed Agriculture Officers should take a pledge that they will become the means of changing the lives of the farmers by rendering services with hard work and authenticity.
Chouhan said that along with the Agriculture Department, a campaign is going on to fill the vacant posts in other departments as well. By August 15, the work of filling about one lakh posts in various departments will be completed. We will make Madhya Pradesh prosperous by giving jobs to the youth.
Chouhan today handed over appointment letters to 251 senior agriculture development and rural agriculture extension officers at Chief Minister’s residence office Samatva Bhavan. These include 87 women officers.
Agriculture officers should fulfill their responsibilities by working authentically
Chouhan said that if the newly appointed officers have a dedicated role for the farmers, they will be able to make life meaningful. While congratulating and extending best wishes to the newly appointed officers, the Chief Minister said that with a positive attitude towards work, we can do the work of changing the lives of the farmers. Citing a story, Chouhan mentioned the three perspectives of three labourers doing one work and said that we should consider the responsibility given to us as our good fortune and fulfil it.
Madhya Pradesh continues to advance in the agriculture sector
Chouhan said that production of food grains has increased by 700 percent in Madhya Pradesh. The contribution of the state in the country’s economy is increasing. The agricultural growth rate of the state has increased. Today Madhya Pradesh is being called the food basket of India. Madhya Pradesh alone produces 10th part of the total food grains production of the country. Madhya Pradesh ranks first in the production of soyabean, pulses, spices and ginger, wheat, second in the production of maize and onion, third in the production of oilseeds and aromatic plants in the country. Along with the use of new techniques of agriculture, organic and natural farming is being promoted in the state.
Chouhan said that there are always immense possibilities of work in the agriculture sector. Farming changes the economy. There was a time when wheat used to come to India from other countries. Now the situation is different. Agriculture developed rapidly. When the production increased, the purchases in the market increased, factories started working, and this helped the entire economy. The state had a budget of Rs. one lakh crore in the year 2012-13, which has increased from Rs. 2 lakh crore in the year 2020-21 to Rs. 3 lakh 14 thousand crore in the year 2023.
The average annual income per person has also increased in the state. The average annual income per person in the state was once only Rs. 11 thousand, which has now increased to Rs. 1 lakh 40 thousand. Chief Minister Shri Chouhan gave appointment letters to some officers as a token. He also posed for a group photograph with the newly appointed officers.
Farmers’ Welfare and Agriculture Development Minister Kamal Patel said that Madhya Pradesh is leading in the agriculture sector in the country. He also told about the efforts made in the field of agriculture last year. Shri Patel said that relief amount is also given to the farmers for crop damage. The work of procurement of food grains and payment of amount is done on time. Efforts have been made to provide maximum value to the farmers for their produce. At the outset, the guests were welcomed with a bouquet. Additional Chief Secretary, Farmers-Welfare and Agriculture Development Shri Ashok Varnwal and Commissioner Farmers-Welfare and Agriculture Development Shri Selvendran were also present. Deputy Director Agriculture Dr. Pooja Singh conducted the operation.
Happy with the appointment
Mukesh Badole of Khargone district, Mishrilal Vaskel of Dhar district, Madhu Malviya and Anil Kumar Ajneria of Sehore district who have got appointment today all come from simple families. All of them said that they were excited on getting the opportunity to work for the welfare of the farmers, along with the means of employment. We are determined to fulfill our responsibility with full diligence.
Process to fill posts in agriculture department continues
Chouhan handed over appointment letters to 251 Rural Agriculture Extension Officers and Senior Agriculture Development Officers in the meeting room of Chief Minister’s residence. Of these, 241 posts are for Rural Agricultural Extension Officer and 10 posts are for Senior Agricultural Extension Officer. These include 164 men and 87 women. As per rules in the department, appointments are being made to fill the vacant posts at various levels. The process is on to fill a total of 2805 posts. Of these, the maximum posts 1852, are those of rural extension officers. Apart from this, the posts of Senior Agricultural Development Officer, Laboratory Assistant, Stenographer Class III, Steno Typist, Block Technology Manager, Computer Operator, Accountant and Assistant Technology Manager etc. are included.