Chief Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav today practiced yoga and addressed a state level program organized at the Chief Minister’s residence on International Yoga Day.

Chief Minister Dr. Yadav practiced yoga with the special guests, students and citizens present on the occasion.

Prime Minister Modi’s address

Chief Minister Dr. Yadav listened to the address given by Prime Minister Modi from Srinagar on International Yoga Day: 2024.

Prime Minister Shri Modi said that yoga gives strength to a person. Yoga is not only a Vidya but it is also a science.

It helps bring concentration and streagthen mind. While congratulating Yoga lovers all over the world and people practicing Yoga in every corner of the world on International Yoga Day, Prime Minister Modi said that India’s proposal of International Yoga Day in the United Nations 10 years ago was accepted and supported by 177 countries of the world.

New Yoga records are being made. More and more people have begun to practice Yoga including prisoners in jail.

This inspiration of Yoga gives energy to man’s positive efforts. Yoga has become a part of life in many countries with even senior citizens engaging in it. Research work on yoga is being done in universities.

Tourists from other countries come to India to teach and training yoga. Today, necessary equipment for yoga practice and fitness is also available in the market. Union Minister of State for AYUSH Shri Pratap Rao Jadhav also addressed the program.

Prime Minister Shri Modi popularized Yoga – Chief Minister Dr. Yadav

Chief Minister Dr. Yadav said that Yoga means connection which is- a connection of the mind and soul. Yoga also means the soul’s connection with consciousness, our eating habits, lifestyle, and conduct. are also related with Yoga this, Anna has also been associated with Yoga this year.

Prime Minister Modi’s efforts to popularize Yoga are paying off. He proposed Yoga Day in the United Nations in the year 2014, which was unanimously accepted by all the nations.

He hoisted the flag of Indian culture. This acceptance was also a support to India’s bright, dignified, proud culture and the dietary style that has been prevalent for thousands of years in our country.

While yoga is necessary for physical efficiency, proper diet is also important y. We are fortunate that work is underway to re-popularize the Indian food style.

Wheat has no place in our worship system, rather rice and other coarse grains are used. This is part of Sanatan culture.

There have been different methods of yoga. There have been great Yogacharyas from time to time. There is evidence of the existence of Yoga from the Vedic period to the period of Patanjali. It includes meditation, dharana, samadhi etc. Today yoga has spread all over the world.

Importance of Yoga Commission, Anand Department, and AYUSH medical system in Madhya Pradesh

Chief Minister Dr. Yadav said that Yoga is being encouraged in Madhya Pradesh. After the formation of the Yoga Commission in the state, Yoga was made a part of the curriculum. Yoga teachers are getting importance like teachers of other subjects.

The Anand department has also been formed. Work will be carried forward in this direction. Important decisions have also been taken from the point of view of Ayurveda. The decision to open 11 Ayurvedic colleges in the state has been taken in this context. Given the rich forest wealth of Madhya Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh will attract the attention of the entire country in the field of Ayurveda through new Ayurvedic colleges.

Incentive to State’s Shri Anna producers

Chief Minister Dr. Yadav said that the production of all types of coarse grains including Kodo-Kutki has been encouraged. The first decision on the promotion of Shri Anna was taken in the Council of Ministers meeting held in Jabalpur about six months ago.

Shri Anna is produced in abundance in the Mahakaushal region. An important decision to give an incentive of Rs one thousand per quintal to farmers has been taken.

Chief Minister Dr. Yadav said that we all have understood the importance of food for good health during the Corona period. A person can achieve longevity by being regular in his diet, thoughts, and lifestyle.

At the outset, Chief Minister Dr. Yadav launched the Shri Anna Samvardhan Abhiyan. Information about the activities to be conducted under this campaign was given in the program.

Farmers Shri Santosh Meena and Shri Shyam Singh Kushwaha presented packets of Shri Anna seeds to Chief Minister Dr. Yadav in the program. Chief Minister Dr. Yadav appreciated the use of Shri Anna by the farmers.

Mass yoga practice

Chief Minister Dr. Yadav accompanied by public representatives and senior officials practiced yoga in the Chief Minister’s residence complex. They practiced many asanas and breathing exercises. Chief Minister Dr. Yadav congratulated the students present on International Yoga Day and urged them to practice yoga regularly.

Principal Secretary AYUSH and School Education Smt. Rashmi Arun Shami gave the welcome address. She informed that this year the theme of Yoga Day is“Yoga for self and society”.