Chief Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav has said that an adequate quantity of fertilizer should be available at all places for Kharif.
It should be ensured that the possibility of black marketing does not arise anywhere. Constant contact is being made with the Central Government to provide adequate fertilizer in the state.
He said that farmers should be encouraged to use balanced fertilizer NPK. Chief Minister Dr. Yadav was reviewing agricultural inputs in Mantralaya.
Chief Secretary Veera Rana, Agriculture Production Commissioner Ashok Baranwal, Principal Secretary Cooperative Smt. Deepali Rastogi and other officers were present at the meeting.
Chief Minister Dr. Yadav sought information about the demand for urea, DAP, NPK, SSP and MOP fertilizers in the state, the quantity received so far and the distribution system. Information about the availability of seeds of paddy, Kodo, Kutki, maize, jowar, millet, urad, groundnut, soybean, cotton, etc. was also given in the meeting.
Chief Minister Dr. Yadav said that the process of honouring and rewarding the farmers who produce good quality crops should also be started.
Use of natural fertilizers must be promoted to maintain the fertility of the land
Chief Minister Dr. Yadav said that farmers should be motivated to increase the use of natural fertilizers in the state.
A system should be developed to help the farmers use bio-fertilizers so that the farmers come forward to buy organic products.
There is a need to motivate farmers to grow shree anna by coordinating animal husbandry and composting.
This will help in maintaining a balanced crop cycle and ensure fertility of the land for a long time.
Chief Minister Dr. Yadav said that for the safety of cows and their proper care, initiatives should be taken at the village level with gauseva sangathans and socio-religious institutions.