In an interim direction, the Madhya Pradesh High Court (MPHC) ordered to delete posts already displayed in electronic media which tarnishes the image of Acharya Shri Dhirendra Krishna Shastri shall be deleted forthwith.
The court order of Monday said further directed the respondents that before publishing/displaying/posting any news/tidings relatable to Aacharya Dhirendra Krishna Shastri they should adhere to the norms of journalistic conduct and first ascertain the veracity of such news / tidings from concerning person whether it is disgraceful for his image or not.
The Court has served notices on the respondents.
Ranjit Singh Patel a farmer is disciple of Shastri who according to the him, is his venerated Guru and is Peethadheeshwar of Shri Bageshwar Dham, Chhatarpur filed a writ petition in this matter.
The petitioner has appendage certain incriminating material and also reproduced some of the posts/messages, which were floated/published in electronic media platforms, like – Twitter, facebook, youtube, etc and in print-media i.e. respondents No.3 to 6.
As per the petitioner, his Guru Aacharya Shri Dhirendra Krishna Shastri is a renowned and venerated saint of Sanatan Dharm and his glory is sprawling beyond the regions for disseminating the celestial messages of holy scriptures including Ramayan and Bhagavad Gita.
Respondent No.10, according to the petitioner, is ex- Member of the Legislative Assembly claiming himself to be a leader of OBC community’s right activist, being unhappy with the prodigy of Aacharya Shri Dhirendra Krishna Shastri and as such with connivance of respondents No.3 to 9 is bent upon to tarnish his image by publishing/posting baseless and objectionable posts.
Focusing upon the rules namely, ‘the Information Technology
(Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021′ (for
brevity “Rules, 2021”), Dubey submits that Rule 2 of Rules, 2021 provides definition of ‘publisher’ and ‘social media intermediary’.
Further, Rule 3 provides as to what exercise is required to be undertaken before publishing any news item relating to an individual.
The counsel also submits that before publishing any defamatory tidings, it is the responsibility of respondents No.3 to 9 to first ascertain the veracity of that news with the person concerned against whom it is to be published and then only it can be displayed via electronic media platforms.
The counsel also draws attention of this Court towards application of the Rules, 2021 as has been provided under Rule 8 of Rules, 2021 and according to him, the provisions are applicable upon respondents No.3 to 9.
Dubey sanguinely submits that the disgruntled petitioner has represented the matter to all concerning authorities for initiating appropriate action against respondents No.3 to 9 and for restraining them from publishing
any defamatory/obscene news relating to his Guru Aacharya Shri Dhirendra Krishna Shastri, but all ended in fiasco.
Dubey also submits that finding no ray of hope and left with no option, the petitioner has approached this Court by filing this petition so that appropriate action may be directed to be taken against them and they may be restrained from disparaging the image by publishing and displaying defamatory/obscene news/posts about his Guru, which is a direct onslaught on the religious reverence and causing grave scathe to the sentiments and emotions of the disciples of Guru Aacharya Shri Dhirendra Krishna Shastri.