The Madhya Pradesh police recovers bag carrying Rs.10 lakh cash picked from the Tilakotsav ceremony (pre marriage ceremony) held in Gosalpur area, some 33 kilometers far from Jabalpur.
During investigation the police learnt hand of two young women of Gulkhedi Sansi Gang of Rajgarh had stolen the bag carrying the cash, the police said.
At around 2-15 am on 26-11-23 in the police station Gosalpur, Hemant Kumar Soni, aged 38 years, resident of Amarktank Road, near Azad Chowk, Dhanpuri district, Shahdol had lodged a complaint stating he does the business of gold and silver jewellery.
His sister’s marriage was arranged with Anupam Soni resident of Gosalpur, in Jabalpur district.
On 25-11-23, he alongwith his family came for the Tilakotsav ceremony at the Marriage Garden Gosalpur.
A blue bag containing Rs. 10 lakh cash was kept for the wedding expenses. After the program, around 10-25 pm, we were on the stage where the bag bag full of money was kept, he stood in front of the stage with his family members to get his photo clicked.
After the photo session was over an unknown person stole the bag full of money from behind on the stage.
The police on basis of the complaint registered the case under section 379 of IPC and taken up the matter for investigation.
Taking the incident seriously, Jabalpur Superintendent of Police Aditya Pratap Singh (I.P.S.) ordered for the identification and immediate arrest of the unknown accused and recovery of the stolen money.
The team of cops from the Gosalpur police station was formed.
The team examined the footage of the CCTV cameras used in the Tilakotsav program.
As well the CCTV footage around the incident site.
The team noticed two young women were seen in the CCTV footage, one carrying a bag full of money and the other sitting in a white four wheeler.
The police alerted the police stations in urban and rural areas and shared the footages with the police in neighbouring districts of Jabalpur and extensive checking was done.
After investigation, it was found that people of Sasi gang of district Rajgarh were carrying out such incidents of theft in wedding ceremonies.
The team was sent to district Rajgarh.
The team reached District Rajgarh police station Boda and with help of the local police identified the accused as Swati Bhaneria, father Sudhir Bhaneria, resident of Gulkhedi police station, Boda district, Rajgarh.
The informer told that the young woman was living in Narsinghgarh Dera. On receiving the information, a trap was laid to arrest Swati Bhaneria but she fleed the spot taking advantage of darkness.
The team checked the bag and found the cash, the police said.