With coordinated efforts in the state, we will achieve the target of making a TB-free state by 2024. Health Commissioner Dr. Sudam Khade said this to the District Tuberculosis Officers.
Dr. Khade was addressing the inaugural session of Training of Trainers in Tuberculosis Control Programme.
He told that the Tuberculosis eradication program has to be implemented in a better way with field staff.
District Tuberculosis Officer will train the field staff after getting training.
In the inaugural session of the training programme, MD NHM Priyanka Das informed that alternative arrangements have been made to collect samples from remote rural areas of the state.
The cooperation is being taken from 9300 CHOs working in the state in the National Tuberculosis Eradication Programme.
Every person will be made aware for TB control.
Dr. Sanjay Suryavanshi, Dr. Arun Kumar, Dr. Ashok Bhardwaj, Dr. Saurabh Singh, Dr. Malik Parmar and Dr. Talha Saad gave training.
The training specifically explained the role of various individuals in the fight against TB and the management of emergency TB cases.
Heads of Pulmonary Department of all 25 Medical Colleges and District Tuberculosis Officers of 15 districts participated in the training session. State Tuberculosis Officer Dr. Varsha Rai and Deputy Director State Tuberculosis Eradication Program Dr. Rahul Srivastava presented the outline of the training program.