President Droupadi Murmu visited Jiwajirao Scindia Museum during her stay in Gwalior today. During this the President was accompanied by Governor Shri Mangubhai Patel, Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan, Union Civil Aviation and Steel Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia. Water Resources Minister and Minister-in-waiting Tulsi Silawat, Home Minister Dr. Narottam Mishra, Energy Minister Pradyuman Singh Tomar, other members of the Council of Ministers and Member of Parliament Vivek Narayan Shejwalkar etc. welcomed the President Murmu.
On arrival at the museum, the President Smt. Murmu was welcomed in a traditional way by folk and classical dancers. President Murmu offered flowers by lighting a lamp in front of the statue of Maharaja Jiwajirao Scindia. Governor Shri Patel and Chief Minister Chouhan also paid floral tributes.
Union Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia and his wife Priyadarshini Raje Scindia told President Murmu about the rich and glorious Maratha history. Also gave information about the expansion of the Maratha Empire in the year 1758 through the map. The President viewed artefacts related to Maratha history and culture
While visiting the museum, President Murmu met the school children and distributed toffees and interacted with them. She also interacted with a Divyang child. She also interacted with the dignitaries in the Durbar Hall.
President Murmu also visited the folk art and craft exhibition in the museum. She received information from folk artists about their art-crafts and art. She appreciated the artefacts of weavers weaving Saris on handlooms, folk-painters, wooden artefacts, pottery artists, she met Mohammad Rafiq Ahmed, the turban tying artist of the Scindia dynasty for the last 60 years and appreciated his art.
President Murmu also met Shri Chhailan Bihari Prajapati making pottery on terracotta wheel and Shri Rakesh Savita, a carpet weaver.
President Murmu also posed for a group photo with school children, all artistes, folk dancers, classical dancers.