The CBI Special Court (Vyapam Cases), Indore (Madhya Pradesh) has sentenced Ravindra Kumar & Vikrant Kumar, both to undergo five years rigorous imprisonment with fine of Rs.16,000 each and Rakesh Khanna, Ramchitt @ Ramchitra Jatav & Brijesh Kumar, all three to undergo five years rigorous imprisonment with fine of Rs.12,000 each in a case related to PMT-2013 conducted by Vyapam.

The CBI had registered a case on 16.12.2015 in compliance of the orders dated 09.07.2015 of the Supreme Court of India and taken over the investigation of FIR No.38/2014, earlier registered at Police Station Sanyogitaganj, Indore.

It was alleged that Ravindra Kumar took admission in MGM College, Indore through PMT 2013 by means of impersonation. Earlier, the local police had filed chargesheet in the case.

After its investigation, CBI filed a chargesheet on 09.08.2016 against 07 accused.
The Trial Court found five accused guilty and convicted them. Two accused were acquitted by the Court.