The Indore Police, along with Citizen Cop, has developed a technology that will reveal all the bio-data of a criminal as soon as he puts his thumb impression on the biometric machine.
Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan said this technique will create fear among the criminals roaming freely and they can be caught easily. Many congratulations to the Indore Police for this innovation.
Chouhan said we have decided in the youth policy that 1 thousand tribal youth artistes will be given fellowship for three months on an honorarium of ₹ 10 thousand per month.
I am happy to inform that the forms of Mukhyamantri Ladli Bahna Yojana have started filling in the entire state, Chouhan said.
There is immense enthusiasm among the sisters for this scheme, he said.
In just three days, 6 lakh 96 thousand 522 applications have been filled, Chouhan said.