Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan has said that the series of Vikas Yatras will start in the state from February 5, the birth anniversary of Sant Ravidas ji. Vikas Yatras will be launched after paying obeisance to Sant Ravidas.
In the Vikas Yatra, the completed construction works will be dedicated by the ministers in-charge and the foundation stone will be laid for the construction works to be started.
Along with providing benefits to the beneficiaries in the Vikas Yatra, there will be beneficiary conferences at the village or village panchayat level to interact with them. The minister in-charge will decide the route of the Vikas Yatra.
Ministers must make an intensive tour on the first two days of the Vikas Yatra. It is necessary to ensure that the people get the benefit of the development activities and public welfare works of the government without any difficulty within a fixed time frame. There must be dialogue on these subjects with the beneficiaries during the Vikas Yatra.
Chief Minister Chouhan was addressing a meeting with the ministers at Samatva Bhavan in CM’s residence today. All the Divisional Commissioners and District Collectors attended the meeting virtually.
Ministers should necessarily communicate with the beneficiaries
Chief Minister Chouhan said that it is our priority that the tours of ministers and the Vikas Yatra should be effective. The Vikas Yatra will start from February 5 and continue till February 20, if required, the minister in-charge can extend the duration of the Vikas Yatra till February 25. During the Vikas Yatra, ministers must necessarily communicate with the beneficiaries regarding the quality of construction works and the time-limit for their completion, the status of implementation of public welfare schemes and their satisfaction level. Discussions with the social organisations, voluntary organisations and enlightened people of different societies should also be held in the Vikas Yatra. In the Vikas Yatra, there will be tours to the development block level along with the district headquarters and all the ministers will submit their reports after returning.
Instructions given to the district administration
Chief Minister Chouhan gave instructions for necessary arrangements and coordination to the district administration regarding the Vikas Yatra. He said that in relation with the construction works and public welfare schemes, the pending cases of the district should be resolved on priority at the state level. Publicity of excellent works of the districts and their emulation at other places should be encouraged. Inspection of works of educational institutions, hostels, anganwadis, electricity and drinking water system, restoration of Jal Jeevan Mission will also be done in the Vikas Yatra.
Social and voluntary organisations should be linked to Republic Day celebration
Chief Minister Chouhan said that Republic Day should be celebrated as a public festival on January 26. Social organisations active in the districts along with educational institutions, voluntary organisations and prominent persons of various societies should be honourably invited and their participation should be ensured in the Republic Day celebrations. Activities for the celebrations should be started from 25th January. For this cleanliness campaign and awareness related activities should also be conducted.