Revenue and Transport Minister Govind Singh Rajput expressed displeasure over the slow pace of the Mukhya Mantri Bhuadhikar Yojna.
The govt. will go to the villages and take feedback from the farmers on the benefits of Swamitva Yojana, he said.
Rajput has given instructions that under the scheme of providing easy, simple and quick justice to the citizens of the state through the Revenue Courts by the Revenue Department, once again Revenue Lok Adalats to be held in February-March.
He said that through these Lok Adalats, undisputed transfer of common people, undisputed land partition, map allocation, recovery of RCC, demarcation, conversion, distribution of loan books, registration of land bond, release of land bond, relevant certificates and Nazul case. The common man gets quick justice in such redressal.
A review meeting of the Revenue and Transport Department was held at Mantralaya on Friday.
Rajput took this decision in the review meeting of the Revenue Department. In the review of various schemes and programs conducted in the Department of Revenue and Transport, the Revenue and Transport Minister directed that the most ambitious and public welfare scheme of the Chief Minister, “Chief Minister’s Urban Land Rights Scheme” should be widely publicized in the state. So that the general public can get maximum information about this scheme.
In the meeting, Revenue and Transport Minister Govind Singh Rajput decided that he himself would visit the villages in the state to take feedback on the works being done under the Mukhyamantri Nagariya BhuaAdhikar Yojana and Swamitva Yojana.
During the meeting, the Revenue Minister clearly instructed the officials that the works which are being mentioned in the documents tabled in the meeting and in any village where the title deeds have been completed, I will personally inspect the entire work by suddenly visiting one of them. Will do physical verification. He instructed the officers to complete the work of Swamitva Yojana by September 2023. He also gave instructions to speed up the map correction work.
Distribute benefits to the beneficiaries by setting up camps
During the review meeting, Revenue and Transport Minister Rajput instructed to prepare an action plan for distribution of benefits to the beneficiaries by setting up division-wise/region-wise camps of the Kisan Yojana. He said that there should be no shortage of rowers in the work of demarcation through course method. Rajput also gave instructions to start the review meeting in division-wise revenue works from December 2 from Bhopal.
Complete the action of charge by November
During the review meeting, Minister Rajput directed that the transfer of charge of higher posts from Tehsildar to Deputy Collector, Naib Tehsildar to Tehsildar and Revenue Inspector to Naib Tehsildar in the Revenue Department should be completed by the end of November 2022.
Expressed satisfaction over the revenue collection of the Transport Department
During the review meeting of the Transport Department, Minister Rajput expressed satisfaction over the revenue collection done by the department for the year 2022-23.
In the review meeting, Rajput gave instructions to the officers to prepare a roadmap for implementing the rural road transport policy in tribal areas as well. In addition to meeting
A discussion was held with the departmental officers on the policy of broadcasting advertisements on various modes of public transport operated in the state like buses etc. and instructions were given to submit the draft of the advertisement policy soon.