Various multi-dimensional training programs are being run for the employees and officers in the Human Resource and Development Institute, Jabalpur located in Naya Gaon of MP Power Transmission Company.
According to Avinash Bajpai, Technical Director, Madhya Pradesh Power Transmission Company, the training work of employees and officers is being implemented in a phased manner.
Under these training programs, such subjects which come under the daily work of the employees but no refresher course was done for them, are being implemented, officers employees are getting encouraged and benefited, the company also gets its multi-faceted benefits.
In the same, a one-day workshop was organized on the topic Transmission Tariff for Engineers, in which the Superintending Engineer Devashish Chakraborty taught the basic mantras of transmission tariff determination to the engineers.
A detailed presentation has also been given in this subject in an interesting way.
There is a need to organize multi-faceted and multi-use programs continuously Sunil Tiwari.
At the start of workshop, Managing Director, Sunil Tiwari in his remarks said that the Human Resource and Development Institute, Jabalpur was established in 1970, at that time it was counted among the major training institutes of Mahakaushal.
He said that there is a need to continuously conduct multi-dimensional and multi-use training programs for all in this institute, which will benefit the company and society as well.
On this occasion the Managing Director of MP Power Transmission Company, Sunil Tiwari was accompanied by Technical Director Avinash Bajpai and Executive Director Sudhir Agrawal along with other Heads of Departments and officers were also present.